Here's the Report for Today:(there's some good news in it:)
Big Red: Took him out from his tank today. All his fry are already swimming horizontally(: I poured 1.2g of brine shrimp eggs into the 'fry tank', hopefully, they will hatch in 24 hours and our fry will all have something to eat by the time they have finished using up all the 'food' in their yolk sacs. Big Red ate a little today after I took him out. Haha, I think he's slimmed down quite alot.
MuchoMachoMan: I decided to continue on leaving him the tank, just in case he decided to be a good father and start building his nest for his kids. Anyway, I was also using Big Red's fry as a gauge-it took 3 days for them to all start swimming horizontally and tomorrow will be the 3rd day for MuchoMachoMan's fry.
Northern Dancer: Surprise, surprise! He spawned with Northern Lights today!!! I am really glad:) However, I was unable to catch a video of them spawning because this happened during training.(I checked the tank before training and after). When I went back to check after training, I was greeted by the sight of Northern Lights hiding in the Cabomba Plant. She was so still, I thought she was dead. I knocked the tank a little and she moved...whew! I then saw that there were many eggs floating on the surface of the water(Northern Dancer having not built his nest properly)
I took Northern Lights out because Northern Dancer kept chasing her into hiding.
After Northern Lights had been removed from the tank, Northern Dancer began to store the eggs in his mouth and blow them up to the surface in bubbles, he is, from what I've seen, definitely more experienced than MuchoMachoMan.
Our experiment is a SUCCESS! (Although our hypothesis is wrong, but it worked!!!)
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