Bid Red spawned with Fires of Revival last Friday. His fry hatched today (: They are really tiny and hang onto the bubble nest that Big Red has built for them. Whenever one of these little fry sinks to the bottom of the tank, Big Red is sure to gingerly pick them up in his mouth and place them back into the bubble nest. Big Red's bubble nest seems to have grown. Probably to accommodate the 'influx of fry' after spawning. Haha.
We managed to observe Big Red spawning with Fires of Revival and it was a cool thing to watch!(: Jo has the video which she'll upload. I couldn't take any cos my phone's lousy and old (:
MuchoMachoMan spawned with Tarnished Pride yesterday. His bubble nest wasn't built on as firm as a foundation as Big Red and hence, all his eggs are floating around the tank. Hope he manages to repair it soon though.
Northern Dancer has yet to repair his bubble nest, so we have not released Northern Lights yet.
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